Remote Learning Information
Tapestry | Teams |
Please use the 'Home learning' link in the 'Children's Zone' for links to home learning activities.
Using Teams
- We use Microsoft Teams for any remote learning.
- The tasks set do not require printing, although if you wish to do so that if fine.
- As a general rule, the work can be completed electronically or on paper. Instructions / guidance is given for each task.
- If work is not completed electronically, a photo can be taken of the work and attached to the homework task for the class teacher to see. The links below will show how where/how this can be done.
- If a Word document is set as part of the work and the children load this, any work they do should be automatically saved. When they finish, closing the Word app will save the work to the correct place.
- In school, from years 3 to 6, we carry out some of our lessons using Teams to help the children become more familiar and independent using the Teams apps.
The guides below will give a brief 'How to use teams' explanation.
If you have a question about home learning or need the password reset, please email