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Our Governing Body

Message from the Chair of Governors

Welcome to the Commonswood School Governors’ page.  As Chair of Governors I would like to take this opportunity to tell you a little bit about the Governing body and it’s work at Commonswood School and to let you know how you can contact us should you need to.

What is the purpose of the Governing Body?

The purpose of our governing body is to:

  • Help the school to set high standards by planning for the school’s future and setting targets for school improvement.
  • Keep up the pressure for school improvement.
  • Be a critical friend to the school, offering support and advice.
  • Help the school respond to the needs of parents and the community.
  • Make the school accountable to the public for what it does.
  • Work with the school on planning and developing policies and keeping these under review.
  • Oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent.
  • Exercise its responsibilities and powers in partnership with the Headteacher and Staff.
  • Not intervene in the day-to-day management of the school unless there are weaknesses in the school, when it then has a duty to take action.

Some of these purposes are set in law.

A School’s governing body is a corporate body. This means it has a legal existence separate from that of it’s individual members. As long as governors have acted honestly, without ulterior motive, and reasonably, within the law and regulations, the governing body cannot be held to account as individuals for any liabilities incurred by the governing body.


How do Governors fulfil these purposes?

We exercise our duties in a number of ways:

  • We usually have seven full governing body meetings each year. In between these meetings we have working party meetings that deal with the detail that underpins the reports the full governing body receives.
  • Governors are encouraged to attend school activities and events to take encouragement from the achievements of the pupils and the staff that teach and inspire them.
  • Our function at meetings is to review, question and challenge the Head teacher and staff to ensure that we deliver the highest standards and most effective use of resources.
  • Many of us take a particular interest in a specific area of the curriculum, e.g. Maths, English or the provision for children with Special Educational Needs or Disability. Others focus on wider issues such as Health & Safety or Finance. Governors also have responsibility for monitoring the school’s progress against plans and use of the Pupil Premium and Sports Premium funding.
  • We seek and welcome the help and support of the Local Authority and receive reports and advice from them.
  • We do not deal with individual worries about the day to day running of the school as that is the job of the school’s leadership team. If they cannot successfully resolve concerns then these may later come before the governors through the application of appropriate policies, for example the complaints procedure.

How do we communicate with Parents and Staff and each other between meetings?

We maintain email communication with each other, and the Chair and Clerk seek to keep Governors as well informed as possible between meetings.

The minutes of Governing Body meetings are available for Parents to view in school, on request. Confidential matters involving, for example, named staff or pupils will not be included in these minutes.

Contacting Governors

Contact with Governors should be made via the Chair of Governors through the school office Emails should be sent to Alternatively, you can write and either post or hand in the letter to the school office, who will forward it to me. I will try to respond as soon as possible.

Governor Vacancies

We currently have vacancies for 1 Co-opted Governors, 1 LA Governor.

To understand the role of a Governor download the document at the bottom of the page.


LA Governors

Ruchi Datta

Co-opted Governors

Julie Noakes (Chair of Governors) 
Maxine Fryer-Kelsey
Natasha Lewis
Vacancy x 2


Parent Governors

Stephanie Barrows 
Darren Cooper (Vice Chair)
Lucy Winston


Gill Seymour (Headteacher)
Karen Dean


John Conlon

Name Appointed Date Until Position
Julie Noakes Co-opted 01/03/2022 28/02/2026 Chair of Governors
Gill Seymour       Headteacher
Lucy Winston Parent elected 20/04/2022 19/04/2026  
Stephanie Barrows Parent elected 01/09/2021 31/08/2025  
Ruchi Datta LA 23/01/2024 22/01/2028  
Darren Cooper Parent elected 23/01/2020 22/01/2024 Vice Chair of Governors
Maxine Fryer-Kelsey Co-opted 24/09/2020 30/09/2024  
Natasha Lewis Co-opted 17/11/2022 >16/11/2026  
Karen Dean Staff elected 17/03/2022 16/03/2026